You can be forgiven for finding it difficult to make a decision on how best to remove unwanted hair from your body. Nowadays, there are so many different options - waxing, depilatory creams, threading, electrolysis, medications and shaving - but none that are as effective and long lasting as laser hair removal

Full Brazilian laser hair removal is sometimes known as a ‘Hollywood’, which permanently reduces the hair from the front and the back of the public region. The beauty of laser hair removal in this area is that you can leave some hair at the front in whatever shape you would like. Less ingrown hairs and the elimination of general skin irritations caused by waxing and shaving is a major drawcard for choosing to embark on Brazilian laser hair removal.

Investing your time and money in Brazlian laser hair removal not only means that you’ll reduce those stubborn hairs, you’ll be able to say goodbye to expensive, painful and repetitive Brazilian treatments in the long term. It is, however, very important to know exactly what you’re in for before committing to Brazlian laser hair removal. Like any procedure on your skin, it is always best to consult a dermatologist so they can help you make the best decision for you.

Things to know before your start 

This area of your body is known for its sensitivity, so this treatment can hurt a little, but is bearable on account of it being short term pain. You will get used to the uncomfort that the laser causes as this varies from person to person depending on pigment of the skin and thickness of the hair.

Staying out of the sun before your treatment will help to reduce sensitivity and letting your tan fade is also beneficial for the laser. Limiting sun exposure for the two weeks in the lead up will enable the light technology used in the laser to work to the best of its ability by better differentiating the skin from the hair, ultimately giving you greater results. 

You will also need to shave the area before your treatment as this eliminates any reaction that the laser can cause to hair on the skin's surface. 

Patience is a virtue

Although the procedure itself doesn’t take long, approximately 20 minutes in total, and on average you will need to stick with it for about 8-12 sessions. Depending on the stubbornness of your hair or how your body responds, you may start to see some results in the first few treatments. 

In between sessions you absolutely must be committed to allowing the hair to grow naturally without removing it by plucking, waxing or bleaching as it will impede the laser hair removal process considerably. Shaving is suggested instead, as it won’t disrupt the hair follicle that the laser is working to shut down. 

Follow up treatments are required, but most people report that they have seen a permanent reduction in hair growth once their full treatment period is complete. Remember that everyone responds differently and the time it takes to see results will vary. Any drastic changes in hormones can also see a return in hair growth.

Aftercare is important

Your laser hair removal specialist will provide you with a detailed aftercare routine but there are a few universal rules when it comes to the post treatment period.

As this procedure involved laser technology, the heat does stay in your skin for 24 hours afterwards. Hot showers, sauna or going to the gym is not recommended as you run the risk of bacterial infection on the hair removal site. Similarly, it is suggested that you avoid sun exposure as much as possible for at least a week. If you do experience any pain afterwards, paracetamol should suffice. 

Are you considering Brazilian laser hair removal? Talk to our expert team or book a consultation.
November 30, 2020 — Ali Moini