Acne Scarring
Do you suffering with Acne Scarring?
- Appearance: Deep, narrow icepick scars; broad, sharp-edged boxcar scars; wave-like rolling scars.
- Cause: Inflammation and damage from acne lesions disrupting the skin’s healing process.
- Location: Commonly on the face, back, and shoulders.
- Management: Treatments and products include laser therapy, microneedling, chemical peels, and specialized skincare to promote collagen and skin regeneration.

Scarring Concerns
Do you have scars that you want to reduce or eliminate?
Appearance: Raised, discolored, or sunken areas of fibrous tissue replacing normal skin after an injury.
Cause: Surgery (e.g., caesarean section), cuts, burns, or other traumas disrupting natural healing.
Location: Can occur anywhere, commonly at injury or surgical sites.
Management: Treatments include laser therapy, microneedling, chemical peels, and specialised skincare to promote collagen production and skin regeneration.